I don’t mean to be dramatic, but this project is my baby.
MBB New Hire Onboarding Kit
Okay, maybe that’s a little dramatic.
This project was a labor of love. Over the course of 6+ months, I worked with a small team to concept, create, source and produce a completely new employee onboarding kit for MBB. The idea came out of agency development meetings and a clear need to standardize our onboarding process. More importantly, people want to feel valued on their first day, and we want to seem cool! We knew we needed more than a sad mug and a handful of pencils.
Getting a new job is a trip.
So we started with a vintage travel theme. To show new employees the way, we referenced road signs, made new maps and even printed our client overviews on luggage tags.
Pulling it all together.
Every trip needs a guidebook. To help new hires orient themselves, we started with a simple phrase, “you are here.” From there we expanded into the past, present and future of MBB, covering company quirks, mottoes and traditions. Two major motifs, the classic Muller + Co chairs and a stylized scorpion, came together to describe a future that honors our roots— “new name, new chairs, but the same sting.”
Design: Lyss Engle
Art Direction: Micah Hair and Brendan Wray